In Institute the founders of scientific schools professors V.K.Girfanov, M.N.Burangulova, Yu.Z.Kulagin, L.I.Sergeev worked.
The schools develop:
In the field of botany and ecology under the direction of the professors B.M.Mirkin, E.V.Kucherov,
in soil science - F.Kh.Khaziev;
Physico-chemical biology and biotechnology - R.N.Churaev;
Physiology of plants - V.K.Trapeznikov, G.R.Kudoyarova.
The institute has preformed 18 Full Doctors and 150 Candidates of Sciences (PhD).
In Institute 75 scientific employees, from them 9 Doctors, including two corresponding members of Ac.Sci. of Bashkortostan, 35 Candidates of Sciences.